Tuesday, March 10, 2009

... a quiet whisper in my ear

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives". - Annie Dillard

As we sat on the beach, staring out to the darkened sky...watching the tide roll in; I couldn't help but wonder "Shouldn't we do this more often? This sudden urge to just pick yourself off the damn couch and drive off to the beach on a weekend. Completely unplanned!". This must be the life of the free. The life of the uninhibited person, completely oblivious to do's & don't of the "current society" today. But then again, I'm anything but a "person of the norm".

It was a sudden thing. Let's drive up to PD again this weekend, have a barbecue and camp out on the beach. That was Poovie's and Seelan's suggestion. It wasn't a question really...Sunder, Ram and I agreed, of course. Ram was already there with Seelan. Anyway, the decision that evening led to the 5 of us meeting up at about 12 a.m. (yup, it was that late!). We barbecued, sang many a merry songs, camped out on the beach, slept for a bit, climbed out to the lighthouse and ran like hell back down, stayed up chatting & laughed like hyena's throughout most of it.

It was the company. It was the location. It was the suggestion.
It was the whole notion of being away somewhere...anywhere. I enjoyed myself. Tremendously. More than I had expected.

I felt liberated that night. It was as if a little secret was whispered into my ear quietly, as the calm sea breeze blew in... That this life is mine for the taking and I am going to LIVE it.